Create A Vbs Script To Change The Registered Owner and Organization
1. Start > Run > Notepad.
2. Paste the following:Option Explicit
Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim ws, t, p1, p2, n, g, cn, cg
Dim itemtype
p1 = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"
n = ws.RegRead(p1 & "RegisteredOwner")
g = ws.RegRead(p1 & "RegisteredOrganization")
t = "Change Owner and Organization Utility"
cn = InputBox("Type new Owner and click OK", t, n)
If cn <> "" Then
ws.RegWrite p1 & "RegisteredOwner", cn
End If
cg = InputBox("Type new Organization and click OK.", t, g)
If cg <> "" Then
ws.RegWrite p1 & "RegisteredOrganization", cg
End If
3. Save it as modifyowner.vbs
4. Double click on the file, and a dialogue box like the one below should pop up:
5. Type the owner and click ok. A new dialogue box, like the one below should pop up:
6. Type the Organization and click ok.